Occupation: Parks and Rec. Supervisor
Dream Job: President of the United States #IfTrumpCanDoItSoCanI
Nickname: none that I'm aware of
How long have you played with Suburbs: 2 years
Which team do you look forward to playing most and why: I'm not sure which team I look forward playing against the most but if our team can score a lot of points or if I can lay someone out I enjoy those games more.
Favorite Beer/Other Beverage: Lost Rhino Face Plant
Favorite Suburbs Memory: Going to Delaware
Who has most impacted your rugby career and why: I think it's a tie between Lobo, D, Stax's and my Dad. My Dad is the guy who convinced me to even consider playing rugby and keeps me motivated. Lobo and D gave me a lot of advice when I first started coming out and Staxs has been an awesome coach.
What do you love most about Suburbs: I love that everyone on the team is like a family and I think we understand that we're all here to have fun and be competitive on the field.