Occupation: Project Coordinator for Vector Security
Dream Job: Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist.
Nickname: Buffalo Bill
How long have you played with Suburbs: Spring 2017
Which team do you look forward to playing most and why: I look forward to every game. I don't care too much about who we play, just as long as we still can.
Favorite Beverage: Sierra Nevada Otra Vez
Suburbs Memory: Not sure that I remember much but the van trip back from PA...
Who has most impacted your rugby career and why: Jon Carter helped coach me when I started in high school and still helps push me to do better to this day.
What do you love most about Suburbs: I'm nowhere near the best and sometimes its the reminders when I screw up or just plain suck that pushes me to focus and try harder. The camaraderie amongst the team is what keeps me coming back. I love getting my tail beat on the field and heading to the bar to bond with friends.