Occupation: Supervisor US Customs and Border Protection
Dream Job: Scout for a professional Sports Team
Nickname: Steve-O
How long have you played with Suburbs: Joined club in fall of 2005, left fall of 2006 came back fall 2009
Which team do you look forward to playing most and why: Currently the Washington Renegades because they have been on the top of our division the last few seasons.
Favorite Beer/Other Beverage: Guinness
Favorite Suburbs Memory: 2006 Savannah, 7 of us piled into Dreamy Doug's mini van and had a blast on and off the field.
Who has most impacted your rugby career and why: Frederic Bardot my college coach at George Mason. He taught me the game.
What do you love most about Suburbs: The continuity, it has been cool playing with Simba, Big Steve, Concussed Drew, Jon Carter, i am sure i am leaving out a few, throughout the years. That being said I have also enjoyed the influx new players to the club who have definitely revitalized the club on and off the pitch.