Occupation: Financial Planning Associate
Dream Job: Business Owner/ Amateur Astronaut
Nickname: Butters
How long have you played with Suburbs: 1.5 years
Which team do you look forward to playing most and why: I generally just enjoy suiting up to play whatever team is on the schedule. I learn something new every match. But playing the Welsh travelling side was a really cool experience.
Favorite Beer/Other Beverage: Bourbon. I also like trying new IPAs
Favorite Suburbs Memory: Finishing the season undefeated. Also, any time I can steal a couple lineouts is a good day.
Who has most impacted your rugby career and why: Kelly, for treating me like family since day 1. Also gotta give a shout out to my lifters for always making me look good. Especially JC, Big Steve, Turtle, and Ben
What do you love most about Suburbs: The brotherhood and the accountability.